Kayak camping trip

Nicholas and I just returned from a kayak camping trip on the Colorado River.  We crossed Hoover damn and put in at Willow beach on Sunday afternoon.  We paddled upstream, north, towards the damn for about 3 miles.  Then we found a likely looking canyon/wash to camp in.

We came out the next morning and were home by 1pm, about a day after we started.  We did the light-weight camping thing.  Minimalist I guess you call it?  A backpacking stove, a lighter, and a can of spam.  We wanted (we’re men, we needed) fried spam sandwiches so we cut open an aluminum can, flattened out the metal, and used that as a mini fry pan for the spam.  It only held one slice so it was a little slow but a couple of bear can fried spam slices on bread later, with honey mustard stolen from KFC, a can of heated up baked beanie weanies on the fire… Yeah, lets call it a meal!

For breakfast we split a can of peaches and when we were done I boiled water in the empty peach can and made coffee.  Next time we work on how to make eggs in an aluminum can.

This link goes to a slide show of a few pictures. They’re not too good, I took them with my camera phone because I was afraid to take the expensive camera along.  Check them out though!

2 thoughts on “Kayak camping trip

  1. Hey Bro!
    Wow – what a fun time that appears to be. Nice to see that you are active and busy. . . there was a time when I could have predicted that you would become a computer geek mushroom, isn’t it great having kids?

    Nicholas looks a lot like you did, but when he has his hat on, he looks like Heather. Those two have the Alvar resemblance going on. Melanie looks like her mother and has similar ideas to her father! Kids are a great mix of parents – isn’t that cool? I think the best addition is Tira – sorry Scott, but it’s true.

    Did you rent the Kayaks?

    Coffee in whatever form sounds good to me. One time I made coffee with in a soda pop bottle with room temperature carbonated water. When that’s the only way in a week to have coffee it is quite wonderful!

  2. Thanks sis, and I can totally picture you making coffee w/ room temp water.

    Tomorrow Nicholas and I are going for a 14 mile canoe (kayak) trip down the Colorado from the Hoover Dam. Yes, kids are great.

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