Broken TV

Our TV died a couple of days ago.  <sniff>  It was a sad moment… that 36″ JVC has been with us for quite a few years.  Not as many as the half-dead Zenith upstairs that we’ve had for 14 years… but close.

So, it died.  <sniff> and we’re reduced to watching TV on the garage spare that we took out of the trash to give to Heather when she went back to college but she didn’t take it with her so it’s been sitting ou there collecting dust until the old queen tv died… <sniff>

We went looking at TVs but didn’t like any… really we didn’t like the prices.  Not sure what we’ll do about it.  If it was up to me I’d save my 700 bucks and cancel the cabel and move on but that’s not the family concensus.    Below is a pic of the small TV we’re forced to deal with….  it’s sitting on top of queen TV <sniff>

2 thoughts on “Broken TV

  1. da da daaaa
    da da daaaa
    da da da da da da
    da da daaaaa
    da da daaa
    da da daaaaaaaaa

    That was taps – just bury the thing and move on. What is the most remarkable that today’s tvs won’t have the life expectancy of yesterday’s tvs. That is sad. We had our old one for almost 20 years, and then had to replace it after the tv funeral and the new one was not near as good as the old one.

    Now we have digital tv – or no tv (welcome to Joe’s world) because there is no analog signal. Did you know that digital signal can’t go over hills, around trees or through traffic? Do you know what the Puget Sound is made of? Hills, mountains, trees and . . . traffic. And no I haven’t let go of the bitterness of this government takeover of our tv world. And no, you can’t make me.

    So, we had a funeral for the old antenna. . . just add your heap of a tv to the lot!

    All that said, I understand your grief in letting the old go and having to circumvent the world of the new.

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