Fathers Day… Weekend!

Fathers Day was today and I have had a great weekend, not just day.

It started Saturday; we all piled in the mini van, filled her up at the local gas station to the tune if $3 a gallon, and headed north. I had a pretty clear destination in mind but I let the kids navigate at will. That means whenever we felt like turning, we did, based upon the current navigator’s decision.

so thanks to Heather, we drove for many miles on a dirt road before the next person got us off it by turning onto a paved road. But it was fun and we got to cruise new roads through NW North Dakota.

Our ultimate goal was the Tetrault Woods State Forest. On my map, a small forested area just south of Canada. It should have been a mile or so south of Walhalla, in the Pembina Gorge. Sounded good; hiking trails and all that, but what it really was was a flooded swampy area with mosquitoes and frogs and mud. We walked for less than 200 yards and the trail was flooded out because we’ve had such a wet spring. To say the least, a little disappointing.

But we over came. We made lunch there in the bug infested woods w/o tables or bathrooms and after swatting and spraying the mosquitoes we finally moved on to Walhalla and visited a county park there. We intended just a break to walk the dog and maybe rest the kids, but they had a swimming pool of all things and it was only partly full of little kids. But best of all, it had a diving board. Two diving boards actually and they let the kids use both at the same time. The Military base would have had a cow but everyone stayed safe and had a good time.

The local kids talked Heather and Nicholas into doing flips off the diving board which earned Heather a sore back, (didn’t flip far enough!) and their respect. Melanie was too smart to fall for their silly tricks and refused to even try to do one. Nicholas did fine once he got over his initial fears.

After swimming we continued to travel, went past the Frost Fire Ski Area (yes, in ND, I’m not kidding) and traveled around and eventually south, back to Hwy 2. After that, we went over to Devil’s Lake Speedway and watched car races for the evening. The weather was calm and wonderful. The temperature probably sitting on 75 or so, w/ no wind and just a few clouds. As usual, there were thunderstorms in the distance, in a couple of directions, but where we were it stayed cool and dry. The races were fun but the best part was when we won the 50/50 drawing!!!! Yes, really! And we hardly ever win anything. Heather bought some tickets for the drawing and inspired me to buy one and wouldn’t you know it I won $223 in the drawing! :~)

Heather was a little happy for me and a little sad for her… 🙂

So Sunday, Fathers Day, turned into a home day and a play day. I read the paper, had breakfast w/ the family, and the kids gave me some gifts. It was very nice and just downright pleasant. I should say maybe the best Fathers Day ever, but if not, then certainly one of the best. I enjoyed just spending time w/ the kids and Tira.

1 thought on “Fathers Day… Weekend!

  1. Scott, sounds like it really was a great Father’s Day weekend. I have never heard of three navigators and it really sounds aw, aw scarie (speling?). You guys really do thing different. It sounds interesting. Glad you had a great weekend and HAPPY FATHERS DAY again. Dad

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