Praying Mantises

Tira spotted this praying mantises (yes, singular but the word looks plural… I looked it up Donna) but Tira spotted it on a window screen on a second story window.  Now I really wanted another mother spider and a bazillion babies, but well, I got this.  It (he/she?) is one of over 2, 000 species (looked that up also) of the Mantises, commonly referred to as ‘praying mantises’ because of it’s posture.  They’re supposed to be pretty quick predators in the bug world, but I gotta tell you, this one is a stupid mantises.

Now first of all it’s on a second story window screen.  So, like how did he get up there?  I mean they don’t fly, right?  Anyway, so I opened the window to take the first picture.  Do you think he even noticed?  Nope!  Dumb.  If this bug was a dog, he’d be a beagle!  🙂

So anyway, I opened the window, took a picture, and thought hey, how nice would it be to take a pic without the screen in the way?  So I flicked him off the window, watched where he landed, and took more pics.  Like I said, not so bright.  I’m thinking if some fool flicks me off the window from 20 feet up, I’m going to hide.  Right?  I mean mantises are masters of camouflage (looked that up too) so he should have been able to hide but nooooooooo.  He’s still sitting in the rocks like a beagle.  But, it worked out for me.  I got a couple of more pictures before I called the stupid dog over to give the stupid bug a big friendly sniff.  😉

Praying mantises on my window
Praying mantises on my window
Praying Mantises, side view
Praying Mantises, side view
Praying mantises looking at camera
Praying mantises looking at camera

3 thoughts on “Praying Mantises

  1. Hey brother, that is one cool looking beagle-bug. I think you should work on changing their names. Do you suppose he just sat there because he was terrified and stunned? How would you respond if someone 100 times you size flicked you off a screen you worked so hard to get to and then got down to your level? Do you think you would be screaming and running like a cockroach? NO I think not. You would be paralyzed with fear. Like your beagle-bug was.

    Cool pics by the way.

  2. Donna,
    I think your right, since the wind was gusting at something like 40MPH; which is probably how he got to the upstairs window in the first place, he was very stunned.

  3. he wasn’t stunned by the wind! he was stunned by being in the presence of a real-life teacher. not one who just teaches letters and arcane words… nay! one who teaches real life! A REAL LIFE TEACHER!

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