Day 3 and Covid #4

Talked to my Doctor this morning and he is pleased with my sympoms, and my progress. I still have no fever but have all other ‘normal’ symptoms like aches and pains, shortness of breath, headache… but nothing too severe thankfully. Tira still feels fine, thankfully. This morning we found out that Ken tested positive for Covid too. Damnit, Damnit, Damnit.

Day 2 and Covid #3

Tira is doing fine (fingers crossed) and went into Olympia to get some groceries and to get her own Covid test. The test was negative, thankfully! I’m still feeling sick, with mild symptoms and no fever. I called my Dr. back home and have a virtual appointment in the morning. This morning we found out that Elizabeth has also tested positive for CovidDamnit, Damnit, Damnit.